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Claire Adler: Standing Out From the Crowd

Updated: Nov 25, 2024

I finally had a chance to catch up with none other than my friend Claire Adler. It has been way too long – thanks for that Covid! I’ve known Claire for many years but had no idea about her background in the jewelry industry, publishing, and public relations. So, let’s just say I’ll never underestimate her again – not that I ever did…

How about this set of numbers as a starting point: 311-34-72. To break the code, Claire managed to get a client quoted in 311 publications across 34 countries in 72 hours. Now if you’ve ever worked in PR or been on the receiving end of a PR pitch, you’ll understand how impressive that is – trust me, as a journalist I’ve been subjected to countless eyerolling calls for coverage.

But we get ahead of ourselves. Claire’s background shows her determination to get the job done and puts such achievements into perspective.

As a student of French and German, Claire was searching for a meaningful career path. Her aha moment came while on an eight-month stint living in New York where she discovered a love for writing. So, upon returning to her native London, she enrolled in a two-day writing course that she says changed her life. The course not only taught method when putting pen to paper but also how to make a living from those skills.

It also gave her some important connections that she’s still in touch with today. While roleplaying how to pitch a story, Claire was paired with someone who wrote for the Guardian’s shopping section and they discussed an idea Claire had been thinking about for some time, about the joys of shopping for accessories. The two turned roleplay into reality as the editor commissioned Claire to write the piece, and ‘Bag Lady’ became her first published article – in the Guardian no less.

The Guardian’s shopping editor recommended her to pitch ideas to the UK’s Retail Jeweller magazine. And while Claire never wrote for them, she started to approach other jewelry publications. The jewelry bug had bitten.

From there, Claire’s story is somewhat unconventional. For one, she always been self-employed. Take it from me, that takes a certain bravery and mindset, and a lot of grit and determination. That risk taking and willingness to take a long shot helped her pivot to PR. It also gave her an acute understanding of what journalists are looking for in a story, recognizing a need to customize the pitch and to present her clients in out-of-the-box ways.

Today, she counts Le Vian and 77 Diamonds among the diamond and jewelry companies she works with. And here’s the kicker, those 311 quotes over that three-day period were not about the client’s new product or collection. It was their commentary on a trend in the market apropos an event that had taken place. It’s all about elevating their position as an expert in the field.

I can say from personal experience that Claire has a knack for making her press releases stick out from the hundreds that we journalists receive every day. And given her journey, she’s always on the look out to mentor young students starting out, offering internships to learn the trade. Oh, and as you can see on, besides her street smarts, she brings an air of style and sophistication to the game. From a personal and professional view, I can’t wait to see what she does next.

Meet Claire…

This article first appeared on LinkedIn in January 2022.


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